DAY 65: Robe to Mount Gambier
Sun 7th December 2007
136 km @ 18.4 km/hr
Dull, strong W wind, warm to cool
Distance to date 4416 km (2760 miles)
An unexpected rain shower delayed my departure until 0900, and rain threatened for the next hour or so, but didn’t materialise. It was pretty cool when the sun went behind the clouds, which was for most of the day. Typical UK weather so I was comfortable with that.Not much to look at scenery wise - cereal or livestock fields but thankfully with a bush border to deflect what at first was a side wind.
After 50 km I arrived at the Beachport to Millicent road, and debated whether in these very windy conditions it was worth my while riding the 3km against the wind to Beachport, or just turn left and head straight ti Millicent. You never really know what to expect of these places; maybe Beachport (pic below right) has something special - so I plumped for having a look to satisfy my curiosity. As it turned out it was a tidy little town but nothing there to get excited about except the delicious pasties at the deli, but at least I tried.
The road bent a little further to the east now, so the W wind blew me along quite nicely, and I was cruising at wt or so (woohoo), and in no time Millicent came into view. This is a modern-looking reasonably large town but didn’t appeal at all, and whilst I had thought I would stay in the CP here, as it was a good way to the east of the town centre I decided to just carry on and bash out the 50km to Mount Gambier.
The first few km were slower than expected as I was banking on the strong westerly continuing, however the tailwind was soon better than before and remained so all the way to MG. All in all quite an exhilarating ride; I haven’t had conditions this favourable very often on this tour.I soon found the town-centre CP and a well-sheltered pitch. The lady on the desk was originally from Edinburgh, and I think this is the first time I’ve heard a local with a Scottish accent. After a shower, some clothes washing and dinner cooking I was pretty tired but bravely typed this out so as to keep up to date.
I have also been thinking where I want to be at Christmas / New Year - I reckon a YHA place would be the most sociable, unless I can persuade a Couchsurfer or Warmshowers host to take me in! I don’t mind being alone some nights (although this rarely is the case) but not on the 25th and 31st if at all possible. Unusually there were no ‘mature’ guests at Robe YHA who I would have more in common with, although I’m not averse to a bit of banter with the younger fraternity, and they are mostly very respectful (apart from 1 stupid individual at Robe!)