DAY 21: day 2 off in Esperance
DAY 21: Day off 2 in Esperance
Fri 26 Oct 07
Just as well I planned 2 days off here because my boil is worse this morning - and egg-sized!! At 0800 then I was around at the Emergency dept of the local hospital and a few minutes later I was being ezamined - good service. The doc said that since a blister had not ‘developed’ yet they could not drain it and start the process of getting back to normal. She advised to come back tomorrow and they’ll check again, meantime if I could just ‘sit in warm water whenever possible to encourage development’ that would help - not muchj chance of that apart from standing in the shower for a while!
I consoled myself with a couple of fresh muffins from Woolworth’s (that’s a food supermarket here) and I headed back to enjoy with cuppa gazing at incredible view from veranda of hostel. I later went through all my stuff again and managed to find another 4 or 5 kg that I could do without for now, and posted off to Gareth and Jen in Brisbane.
I phoned Lyn at 0630 UK time as I knew she would be up and about, and we really enjoyed a little chat. I do miss her. For some reason her e-mails are not getting through to me, and we don’t know why - she will check the e-mail address.
I bought a mirror that fits onto the end of the handlebar so that I can better see vehicles coming up behind me, especially road trains which may not be able to give quarter due to their size and weight. After fitting tyhis I went a ride along the (500m) pier to watch and chat to a guy staying here who was fishing for squid - if he caught enough i was promised one, but as it turned out he only caught one. Lucky I treated myslef to a T-bone this morning - great value at only $5 (£2).
I’m enjoying the extended break - this is a lovely place to stay - but I’ll be happier when my nether regions are on the mend and I can get going again.