Friday, May 09, 2008

DAY 198: Day off in Cloncurry

Road trains in central Cloncurry.

Fri 9th May 2008
Sunny intervals, up to 27 deg C
Elevation of destination 205 m
Distance to date 11828 km (7392 miles)

A nice relaxed start to the day off, after a warmer night than the freezing cold night before - due today to cloud cover. The locals must have been praying they would be rain clouds but no, they dissipated during late morning.
I spent the morning cleaning the bulldust off the bike, swopping tyres back for front, and shortening the chain. The latter had gone very slack with wear, so much so that the eccentric bottom bracket adjustment was not enough to tighten the chain up enough, so I took a link out and it’s now normal tension again, but probably not for long. I phoned Vincent at St.Kilda Cycles this morning and the bits I ordered still haven’t come in from their supplier, so I won’t get then sooner than early next week now. I will probably be in Mount Isa, where I asked for them to be delivered, by Sunday or Monday, so I’ll see whether they turn up in time before I want / need to leave there - I may be able to get them forwarded on somewhere else e.g. Katherine if I decide to move on without them.
This morning I also got around to listing all the components and accessories on the bike for the website, with comments on how the stuff’s performing - I’ve been meaning to do this for a while. I hope it might act as good advice for others planning a trip like this.
I had a delicious pastie and Chelsea Bun for lunch at the very good bakery here in Cloncurry, before going to the library opposite to upload. I also sent quite a few e-mails that had been waiting to be done, so this has been a good chance to catch up with correspondance. I also had a nice chat with Jen and Gareth in Brisbane last night, whom I haven’t called recently. I tried to explain to them what was going on with Lyn and I as best I could, but I don’t think either Lyn or I are sure really! I’m enjoying this trip immensely, but also looking forward to being back close to her again, and I dearly hope it all works out for us. Que sera sera though....
I spent the remainder of the afternoon by the pool, cooling off and reading the paper etc.
I bought fresh bread, chicken slices and tomatoes for a cold dinner, which w as what I fancied - the fresh bread especially is something I haven’t had so much of lately - washed down with a coupla bottles of Bundeburg rum and lime and ginger. I’m spending more time on the grass outside lately rather than cooped in the tent away from the mozzies a bit of repellant works wonders and they leave me alone.
Tomorrow I’m heading for Mount Isa 128km away - I will probably take 2 days, bush camping tomorrow night hopefully. I also have 2 offers for me to stay with folk in Darwin in 2 or 3 weeks, which I am really looking forward to.

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