Saturday, December 01, 2007

DAY 57: Adelaide - From Grace and Sue's to Peter and Sue's

20km @ 15.0 km/hr
very hot, some very steep hills!
Sat 1st December 2007
very hot and sunny, little wind

After another lie in until 8 and breakfast Grace and Sue and I did the piccy thing and said our goodbyes. I really enjoyed this 3-day stay, was hosted very well indeed by them. I was very impressed with the dedicated way they recycle everything possible (including water) and their very positive attitude to environmental protection. If we all had this attitude tyhe world would be a safer place - keep it up guys. (they are also long-term members of, a cycling traveller hosting website similar to They have hosted many cyclists over the years.

I was at Peter and Sue's soon after 10 after a MASSIVE 15% or more hill which left me panting. Happily the very low Rohloff combination I chose was up to the job and I didn't have to push.

P and S welcomed me with a cream tea including Sue's freshly home-made scones - delicious - and a sure way to make me happy! This was an early indicator of the extent to which I will be spoilt over the next few days. Some of Sue's family (Sue's daughters Pam and Katria and grandchildren Michael, Tia, Chloe and Talia) dropped in during the day, and we had a good, lazy, relaxing, enjoyable day shifting about from place to place to find the coolest spot on a VERY hot afternoon (35).

Later on Peter did a barbie of T-bones, kangaroo and sausage and my favourite activity continued unabated (eating I mean!!).

The night was very warm indeed, and despite the comfy bed I took ages to get to sleep - the weather is set to break soon though, and I'll be pleased about that....

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